
Am I forced to use Python only?
No. Zerynth allows a mixed C/Python programming environment. This kind of “hybrid” programming is extremely powerful in scenarios where the project needs lo...
Thu, 30 Jan, 2020 at 4:01 PM
I don’t want to change my code editor. Can I still use Zerynth?
Yes. The Zerynth Toolchain (ZTC) allows managing all the aspects of the typical Zerynth workflow. It can be used with a command-line interface, like the com...
Fri, 31 Jan, 2020 at 11:38 AM
Which Python version does Zerynth support?
Zerynth supports a subset of Python 3.4 and adds new embedded-friendly features. To make Zerynth suitable for microcontrollers constrained resources, suppor...
Thu, 30 Jan, 2020 at 4:01 PM
Can I use Zerynth with my own custom board?
Yes. As a Zerynth user, you can create custom libraries for sensors and other components not yet supported. You are also free to create custom Zerynth Virtu...
Fri, 31 Jan, 2020 at 11:39 AM
What advantages do developers see from using Zerynth instead of using something like a Raspberry Pi o Arduino?
First of all, Zerynth provides only the software tools for programming the hardware. In particular, Zerynth is 100% “agnostic” towards hardware platforms. ...
Fri, 31 Jan, 2020 at 11:40 AM
How does Zerynth App compare to Blynk and similar remote controlling Apps?
Basically 3 differences:  Zerynth App is an element of a full-stack, that starts from firmware programming, thanks to Zerynth Studio, to cloud connecti...
Fri, 31 Jan, 2020 at 11:57 AM
Do I need a specific board or a specific Cloud to use Zerynth?
No. Zerynth is 100% agnostic towards hardware platforms and cloud infrastructures. The stack is compatible with a wide range of 32bit MCU devices and with m...
Fri, 31 Jan, 2020 at 11:58 AM